DECEMBER 15-20, 2015
"Tidings of Comfort and Joy"
7:00 p.m.
All are Welcome
Free to the Public
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Cinnamon Creek Singers
The Cinnamon Creek Folk Singers will be singing folk Christmas Carols accompanied by folk instruments. Quotes from the journals of actual pioneer women will bring an additional feeling of Christmas in the days of the pioneers.
The Cinnamon Creek Folk Singers are a group of twelve women from Northern Utah who for twenty-three years have arranged, performed, and shared their love for traditional Western Pioneer, Railroad, and American folk songs. The group was created to preserve and promote the national and regional folk music heritage. Traditional instruments used during their programs include the mountain and hammered dulcimers, fiddle, bodhran (Irish) drum, guitar, concertina, tin whistle, banjo, folk bass, harmonica, and washboard.
Members of the Cinnamon Creek Folk Singers are: Ronda Shaffer (director), Annette Barber, Laurie Boehme, Angela Daugherty, Diane Dunn, Diane Erickson, Janet Hunt, Kaye Jacobsen, Nancy Olsen, Janice Toyn, Eleanor Wellings, Merrilee Wells, and Becky Whittier.
Best known for their vocal harmony, the Cinnamon Creek Folk Singers use authentic and original arrangements, including “shape note” songs, to celebrate the folk writing and performance process. Stories from journal entries are used during the program to bring to life Western Pioneer history from a woman’s perspective. Railroad songs, religious hymns, western migration songs, and traditional folk music are performed by women who wear traditional costumes representative of the American West in the late 1800’s.
They have produced three CD’s entitled: “Pieces of Folk”, “A Cinnamon Creek Christmas”, and “Simple Gifts of Music” (folk hymns). For more information about the Cinnamon Creek Folk Singers, to book performances, or to purchase CD’s, go to their web site
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Logan High Choruses
Choirs from Logan High School will sing a variety of seasonal songs. The school’s mixed beginning choir, the “Chauntaires”, is comprised mostly of 9th and 10th graders. The large 32 member chamber concert choir is the
“Crimson Colony”.
The choirs are directed by Randall J. Smith who has teaching at Logan high School for 27 years, and is a graduate of Utah State University. The accompanist for the choirs is Julie Smith (no relation to Randy) who has provided many years of expert accompaniment to assist the choirs in their achievements.
The Logan High choirs have had the privilege of participating at the presidential inauguration festival held in Washington DC; performing at Pearl Harbor and the state capitol in Honolulu, Hawaii for the 50th anniversary of statehood as our 50th state; and were also selected to be a part of a national honor choir and perform at the renown Carnegie Hall in New York City.
Crimson Colony, the chamber choir, was also selected as a featured choir in San Diego and performed in the beautiful Copley Hall with other talented choirs and the famous San Diego Symphony.
The choirs have earned many awards and superior ratings at region, State and national festivals over the many years at Logan High School.
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Imperial Glee Club
The Imperial Glee Club (Cache Valley’s historic men’s chorus), will be performing traditional Christmas favorites including "It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”, “Mary Had a Baby”, “White Christmas”, “Do You Hear What I Hear”, “Were You There on that Christmas Night”, and other familiar selections.
The Imperial Glee Club was founded with a charter of service and brotherhood in 1916 making it one of the oldest continuously performing men’s choruses in the United States. Now in its centennial season of musical service to the community, the 25-30 club members live throughout Cache Valley and perform choral music in a wide genre including show tunes, pop, and holiday music, with an emphasis on patriotic and spiritual anthems. The club annually touches hearts and lives in northern Utah and southern Idaho with concerts in a wide variety of business, civic, church, service, and charitable venues.
Under the direction of Warren Barton and Craig Mortensen, with accompanist Janice Siggard, the club is dedicated to fostering four-part male choral music and meets one night each week for rehearsal. Its season runs from September through June annually.
Today, the club accepts invitations to sing at several venues annually, including recent concerts at the Assembly Hall on Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Summer Citizen’s concert at the Eccles Conference Center on the Utah State University campus, Latter Day Saint and St. John’s Episcopal church worship services, and joint concerts with the Magic Philharmonic orchestra in the LDS Tabernacle, in Logan, and at the King Concert Hall in Burley, Idaho.
The club has a rich history which includes performing at a regional Rotary Club conference in Seattle, Washington in 1928. The club performed minstrel shows at the Capital Theatre during the WWII years, under the direction of Dr. Walter Welti. Other past club directors include such renowned names as William Ramsey, Arthur Olsen and Hans Mussler.
Friday, December18, 2015
Voices of Light
(Pocatello & Sacramento Mixed Chorus)
Voices of Light combined choirs of Pocatello, ID, and Sacramento, CA, will perform selections from composer David Hasson’s Christmas music, as well as familiar favorites and some fun new twists on popular holiday songs. Violin, piano and vocal soloists and ensembles range in genres from vocal jazz to classical. This is the first time that the sixty-plus member community choirs will sing in a combined performance.
Voices of Light specializes in the complex choral arrangements and piano accompaniment in the music of David Hasson, the Sacramento, California, composer who combines classical and popular themes in his sacred music. The original Voices of Light choir was in Sacramento, organized and directed by Sheri Nothelphim at composer Hasson's request. Since then, Voices of Light has expanded to two chapters including one in Pocatello, Nothelphims's new home
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Ein Frohliche Weihnachtsfest Fest
A musical evening of traditional German Christmas carols (Weihnachtslieder) and other great Christmas music. An instrumental trio of flute, harp and violin. They will be singing, including a sing-a-long, with guitar accompaniment.
Christmas time at the Whiteley home is filled with music. They lived in Germany for many years and love the music of Weihnachtszeit (Christmas time). Vanessa plays the flute, Jenny plays the Violin and Anna plays the harp as a trio. Maureen sings with Anna and Vanessa, and a bit of guitar. Jonathan plays guitar. They have a lot of fun! Froehlicher Weihnachten!
Sunday, December 20, 2015
6:00 p.m.
***Note Earlier Time***
Presented by
The North Logan Stakes
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Chorus, Soloists and Orchestra