September 13th, Friday 7pm
"The Secret Garden",
a musical
a musical
Jay Richards' Music Theatre West will bring performers to the Logan Tabernacle to preview the September performances at the USU Morgan Theatre from 19th-24th.
Music Theatre West will preview the
musical adaptation of “The Secret Garden” by Marsha Norman (lyrics) and Lucy
Simon (music). It's a story of an enduring connection to the past,
extraordinary determination, and the power a forsaken garden has to
heal. It will feature some of
Cache Valley’s vocal talent like the rich voices of Kent Braddy, and newcomer
Craig Winder singing “Lily’s Eyes”.
Local youngsters Grace Mickelson and Stewart Merriam (playing the roles
as cousins Mary Lennox and Colin Craven), will sing “Come to My Garden” and
Grace will also sing “The Girl I Mean to Be”. Soprano Siera Peery (as Lily Craven) will sing “How Could I
Ever Know” and Celeste Baillio (as
Martha) will render “If I Had a Fine White Horse”. John Rash (as
Dickon) sings “Winter’s on the Wing”. Music Theatre West will present their exquisite production
of “The Secret Garden” with full orchestra, period costuming, and beautiful
scenery on September 19-24 at the USU Morgan Theatre. Tickets are available
at their website,, or by calling 435-797-8022..
September 28th, Saturday
Willow Park 9-10am
CROP-Hunger Walk
Willow Park 9-10am
CROP-Hunger Walk
Registration is at Willow Park at 8:30am or you can also register at this website

the sponsor of the Concert and Lecture Series at the Logan Tabernacle.
Click the RED names for more info and click here for a map of the walk.
October 11th, Friday 7pm
2nd Annual World Cultures Night
This concert will feature dances, singers and instrumentalists from people who make Cache Valley their home,who originally came from other countries... including students, locals and visitors to our Valley . Photos and Bios of performers will be listed closer to the concert date.
November 24th, Sunday 7pm
November 24th, Sunday 7pm
11th Annual
Inter-Faith Thanksgiving Program
Cache Community Connections is a civic and interfaith council in Cache Valley. Cache Community Connections is a group of local religious, civic, and community leaders in the valley who first came together to organize an interfaith memorial service following the tragic events on September 11, 2001. Working together was such a positive experience that the group agreed to continue meeting monthly to foster understanding and cooperation among all religious groups in Cache Valley. This is the eleventh annual Thanksgiving service in Cache Valley. Thanksgiving, a holiday that belongs to all Americans, offers a wonderful opportunity to listen and learn, hearing the diverse voices of our valley giving thanks as one community. We offer our sincere thanks to all the participating faith communities, groups, and individuals who make this celebration a special one.
Inter-Faith Thanksgiving Program

December 8th, Sunday 7pm

Admission will be a donation of a non-perishable item of food. More details on the program and concert are to come.
December 10-13 Tuesday-Friday
and December 17-20 Tuesday-Friday, 7pm, nightly
Christmas Music Series

Concerts will feature individuals and groups presenting the music, songs and sounds of the season. More information to come.

Concerts will feature individuals and groups presenting the music, songs and sounds of the season. More information to come.
NOTE!! If you or your group is interested in performing at World Cultures Night or the Christmas Music Series, we are making preparations for those programs now. Contact Gary Poore at