Six premier Northern Utah organists and the Logan Tabernacle Organ will be featured.
The Northern Utah organists include Karla Axtell, Lynn Thomas with Tyler Anderson, Kelvin Smith, Brandon Clayton and Jonathan Rose.
It is not very often that audience members are able to hear this powerful, majestic instrument. Please join us at the tabernacle for this unique Cache Valley experience.
Upcoming Events at the Tabernacle
October-December, 2012
October 12th Friday 7pm
World Cultures Night
We will feature performers from the local and USU Students Community who will share their native instruments, songs and dances. This is a definite Family event for everyone in the Valley.
November 18th Sunday 7pm
InterFaith Thanksgiving Program
with Emphasis on Opening of the New Cache County Food Pantry
December 9th Sunday 7pm
Benefit Concert for the Cache County Food Pantry
December 8th at 12noon, Sat and 11-14 and also December 18-21 evenings 7pm.
Christmas Music Series
If you or your group is interested in performing at World Cultures Night or the Christmas Music Series, we are making preparations for those programs NOW. Contact Gary Poore at music581gp@yahoo.com
The Concert and Lecture Series is sponsored by Cache Community Connections and is sponsored in part by the RAPZ TAX and the Cache Valley Radio Group . The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints allows free use of the tabernacle, as well as providing financial support.