Friday, May 3, 2024


 Tuesday Jul 9th           FRY STREET QUARTET

This remarkable quartet - hailed as "a triumph of ensemble playing" by the New York Times is a multi-faceted ensemble. The quartet has reached audiences from Carnegie Hall to London and Sarajevo to Jerusalem, exploring the medium of the string quartet and its life-affirming potential with "profound understanding...depth of expression, and stunning technical astuteness" (Deseret Morning

News). The quartet has a discography that includes a wide range of works, and they have commissioned and toured new works by a wide range of composers. Their collaboration with Dr. Robert Davies, Rising Tide: The Crossroads Project, has been performed more than 60 times in three different countries, and a film version of the project was released in 2020.

The Fry Street Quartet holds the Dan C. and Manon Caine Russell Endowed String Quartet. Residency at the Caine College of the Arts at Utah State University, where they have run the string program in the USU Music Department for more than twenty years.

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