The Logan City Police Department, in the wake of numerous active gunman scenarios has developed a brief educational program they would like to present to business or management employees or church congregations. The program is put together in such a way as to direct the most appropriate action/reaction to the active gunman scenario and to educate listeners as to what they can expect from their local law enforcement responders. The program will take about an hour to hour and a half based on a question and answer period.
Cache Community Connections members felt this would be an important informational lecture and wanted to sponsor it as part of their Concert and Lecture Series. Therefore a presentation is planned for March 8th, Friday, at 7pm in the Logan Tabernacle.
Police Chief Gary Jensen |
As Chief Jensen states in his letter about the presentation to Business and Ecclesiastical leaders in our community, "Knowledge is the key to the most favorable outcome in these types of events. Understanding creates presence of mind and will help minimize the chaos and the injury and mortality rate."
The Logan Tabernacle Concert and Lecture Series is sponsored by Cache Community Connections and appreciates the support of the Cache County RAPZ tax.